Conjunctions (conjunciones) in Spanish are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence. They help to establish relationships between different parts of a sentence, indicating coordination or subordination. Here are some common conjunctions in Spanish:

  1. Coordinating Conjunctions (Conjunciones Coordinantes):
    • These conjunctions connect words, phrases, or clauses that have equal grammatical importance within a sentence.
    • Examples: y (and), o (or), pero (but), sino (but rather), ni (nor), aunque (although), sino que (but rather), ya que (since), porque (because).
  2. Subordinating Conjunctions (Conjunciones Subordinantes):
    • These conjunctions connect a dependent (subordinate) clause to an independent clause, indicating that one clause depends on the other.
    • Examples: que (that), si (if), como (as, like), aunque (although, even though), mientras (while), cuando (when), después (after), antes (before), porque (because), aunque (although).
  3. Conjunctive Adverbs (Adverbios Conjuntivos):
    • These adverbs function as conjunctions, connecting independent clauses or sentences and indicating relationships such as contrast, cause, or sequence.
    • Examples: sin embargo (however), además (besides), por lo tanto (therefore), no obstante (nevertheless), así que (so, therefore), mientras tanto (meanwhile), por otro lado (on the other hand).
  4. Correlative Conjunctions (Conjunciones Correlativas):
    • These conjunctions are used in pairs to link equivalent elements within a sentence, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs.
    • Examples: tanto…como (both…and), ni…ni (neither…nor), ya…ya (either…or), o…o (either…or), bien…bien (either…or).

Understanding conjunctions and their usage is important for constructing well-structured and coherent sentences in Spanish. Practice using conjunctions in different contexts to improve your language skills and convey your ideas effectively.
